The invoices are in. Cheques are being cut. PayPal has electronically sent monies from one end of the earth to another.
Total Raised: $5635*
- Kids Need to Read: $842
- YESS: $1198.25
- Equality Now: $3594.75
This year we saw a 17% increase in attendance and our send a YESS client to the movies sponsorship program was a smashing success.
Most impressive? Over the past three years the Alberta Browncoats Society has donated $18,412 CAD to our partner charities. We may be small but we are very, very mighty!
Thank you so much to our 2012 Sponsors:
- Happy Harbor Comics
- Christie Communications
- Yardstick Software
- Canadian Historical Arms Society
- Dragon Chow Dice Bags
Special thanks to Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, James Hance, Joel Watson, James Marsters, Jason Palmer, Adam Levermore and Erin Gray for making our auction extra special this year.
Photos of the 2012 event are online as are photos of some of the items we auctioned off for charity.
To our auction donors, volunteers, knitters, and all attendees; we could not have done it with out you.
And finally, thank you Alberta Browncoats for being a part of this shiny event. We are looking forward to CSTS 2013.
* all funds are listed in Canadian dollars
Congratulations, Alberta Browncoats! You are indeed mighty!
Small but mighty! Hopefully I can participte next August while I’m visiting the home of our Captain
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