Pokee’s Corner: January 2013

‘Verse Related Books and Movies Reviews written by AB Browncoats member Pokee.

The Psychology of Joss Whedon: An Unauthorized Exploration of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly/Serenity
Edited by Leah Wilson and Joy Davidson (2007)

4 out 5 stars

Published in 2007, The Psychology of Joss Whedon is a collection of essays highlighting different aspects of psychology and how they apply to the Whedon-verse. Topics range from Robert Kurzban’s explanations of Mal’s morals and why we like to watch to editor Joy Davidson’s takes on Angel’s mommy issues. Written to appeal to an existing fan of the ‘Verse, there is nothing but praise to Whedon’s character developments and attention to believable detail.

Although intended to be read by laypeople, I still found my eyes glazing just a bit during some writer’s technical explanations. But overall, I really enjoyed the analysis they offered. I particularly enjoyed Bradley Daniels’ essay that took a closer peek at River’s altered brain and the actual effects of “stripping” the amygdala.

If you are interested in pop psychology, and don’t want to take Professor Walsh’s class, I highly recommend this book.

Jayne Hat Pledges for CCEE

Just a reminder that hats pledged by our Browncoat knitters are due on March 31st. Don’t forget to email info@cstsedmonton.org and indicate your name, preferred contact (email is fine), and make arrangements for hat pick-up/delivery.

If you’ve already delivered hats, please send a quick email to info@cstsedmonton.org with your name a contact email address for the contest.

Contest prizes include:
– James Hance “Firefrog” print
– Alberta Browncoats Tshirts
– Browncoats: Redemption DVD