April Shindig – Featuring Vanessa Cardui

Looking for an independent friendly venue to grab a drink and show off your fancy duds? Got a hankering to show off your coat of brown or the slinky dress you just bought your wife? Assuming your Cap’t lent you the funds of course…

Join us for our April shindig. Conveniently located a short 15-20 minute walk from the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo grounds, the shindig features song, dance, mudder’s milk and lots of good spirits and laughter.

Along with being a shiny way to get to know your fellow browncoats, April’s shindig is a charity fundraising event. Proceeds will be split between the Edmonton Youth Empowerment & Support Services (YESS) and Calgary’s In-Definite Arts Society.

If you can’t be on ship this is the best place in the ‘verse to be. Shindig highlights:

  • Costumes encouraged.
  • Shiny door prizes.
  • Member’s only prize.
  • Cash bar.

Eventbrite - Calgary Shindig featuring Vanessa Cardui

Tickets will also be available from the Alberta Browncoats Society (#503) and Cool Toys (#1105) booths at Calgary Expo on Friday and Saturday.

Event Details:

  • Where: Ramsay Community Hall (Lower Hall) – 1136 8th Street SE, Calgary
  • When: Saturday, 27 April 2013 at 7:00 PM – midnight (MDT)
  • Entertainment Guest: Calgary’s own Vanessa Cardui.

This shindig owes it’s existence to the sponsorship, planning & organizational skills of Calgary’s Cool-Toys.ca.  If you’re attending Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo please drop by the Cool-Toys.ca booth (#1105) and say hello.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an official Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo event. Rather, it’s an after party taking place on the same weekend as CCEE.

NOTE THE SECOND: Due to circumstances beyond our control, the venue has changed for this event. It will now be held at Ramsay Community Hall (1136 – 8th Street SE, Calgary).

Jayne Hat Pledges for CCEE

Just a reminder that hats pledged by our Browncoat knitters are due on March 31st. Don’t forget to email info@cstsedmonton.org and indicate your name, preferred contact (email is fine), and make arrangements for hat pick-up/delivery.

If you’ve already delivered hats, please send a quick email to info@cstsedmonton.org with your name a contact email address for the contest.

Contest prizes include:
– James Hance “Firefrog” print
– Alberta Browncoats Tshirts
– Browncoats: Redemption DVD

James Hance Prints available at Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo (CCEE)

Browncoats are found all over the world and we’ve been extremely fortunate to make the (online) acquaintance of a Florida located British transplant with amazing talent and a heart of gold. 

James Hance‘s “Mal in Carbonite” and “Firefrog” prints will be available at the Alberta Browncoats booth (1514-1515) at the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo (April 27-29, 2012).

Thanks to James’ generosity, we’ll be one step closer to meeting our 2012 charity goals. We’ll have a limited number of the prints available. Please stop by and grab one before their gone!  We’ll also have copies of James’ adorable book, “The House on Chew Corner” (Star Wars/Winnie the Pooh mashup). Excellent bedtime reading for all the little CCEE visitors.