Busy Little Browncoats

April is shaping up to be a busy month.

First, there was #jaynehatgate.

Now we’ve got coffee and knitting hats of a certain colour & style scheduled for April 10th & 24th. For our musically inclined members, we’ve got a weekly knitting & karaoke session every Friday evening. On April 20th we’re hosting a screening of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog at Happy Harbor Comics (CSTS Affiliate event) followed on April 21st selling 50/50 tickets at an Oiler’s game on behalf of YESS.org. Then it’s off to Calgary at the end of the month for the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo (Fri-Sun) and a Browncoats Shindig featuring Vanessa Cardui on April 27th.


When we said we’d be working to make this group a lot more than 1 or 2 social events a year, we weren’t kidding.

For more details on any of the events listed on this page, please see our Shindig calendar.

Inspiring Imagination

Ni hao browncoats.

Our March charity donation will be to our partner charity, Kids Need to Read (KNTR), in honour of the Captain’s birthday. As with our YESS fundraiser in January, we’re collecting spare change. Search your couches, raid your piggy banks and encourage your friends to empty their pockets.

Please remember to bring your pennies and other shiny coins to any events (Mar 23) or practices (Mar 6, 11, 17, 20) you attend in March. You may also drop off change at any of our knitting sessions (Weds Mar 13 & 27 & every Friday).  See the Shindig calendar for additional details.

No coins in your pockets but plenty of cans & bottles lying around your home? Consider recycling your way to a donation. Make Nathan happy by saving the Earth AND donating to KNTR. Two of our members did just that this weekend and added $31.10 to the donation pool. Way to go Drew & Jeri!

If you’re unable to donate cashy monies this month, you can still give the gift of reading to a child. Michael’s stores in the city are collecting donated books from March 1-31 on behalf of the Boys and Girls Clubs. Visit a Michael’s store for additional details.

Earth That Was: Star Wars Exhibit [02/2013]

Event: Star Wars: Identities Exhibit at Telus World of Science
Intrepid Reporter: Wendy

It was a dark and stormy night. On Hoth I think. Or maybe Tatooine. Or maybe the Telus World of Science in west Edmonton. A small collection of Browncoats gathered together to determine their Star Wars alter ego’s. Were they Wookie (Alex, I thought this might be you), a Kel Dor, Ewok (Jeri, this didn’t surprise me at all) or maybe even a real life human?

The afternoon was spent on an adventure to explore how our planet of origin, genetics, parental influences, friends, events, culture, mentor, occupation and choices determine who we are, or at least who our Star Wars character is. As we moved through the exhibition, the Browncoats chose from a number of options at each stage to develop our character. Along the way we were able to take a good look at 200 or so original costumes, props and art work, much of which had never been out in public before. Who would have expected to be face to face with Darth Vader, or to see the various drafts of Yoda (including the one where he looked like a garden gnome), or the original artwork of Leia and of Luke. There was definitely something new to see around every corner.

After about 3 hours, our quest drew to an end and we were able to reveal our new persona’s to the world and to email our profiles home for further study. A post-mission debrief at the nearby Boston Pizza rounded out the day. Everyone headed home with tired feet and full bellies. It was a big shiny day to remember.

April Shindig – Featuring Vanessa Cardui

Looking for an independent friendly venue to grab a drink and show off your fancy duds? Got a hankering to show off your coat of brown or the slinky dress you just bought your wife? Assuming your Cap’t lent you the funds of course…

Join us for our April shindig. Conveniently located a short 15-20 minute walk from the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo grounds, the shindig features song, dance, mudder’s milk and lots of good spirits and laughter.

Along with being a shiny way to get to know your fellow browncoats, April’s shindig is a charity fundraising event. Proceeds will be split between the Edmonton Youth Empowerment & Support Services (YESS) and Calgary’s In-Definite Arts Society.

If you can’t be on ship this is the best place in the ‘verse to be. Shindig highlights:

  • Costumes encouraged.
  • Shiny door prizes.
  • Member’s only prize.
  • Cash bar.

Eventbrite - Calgary Shindig featuring Vanessa Cardui

Tickets will also be available from the Alberta Browncoats Society (#503) and Cool Toys (#1105) booths at Calgary Expo on Friday and Saturday.

Event Details:

  • Where: Ramsay Community Hall (Lower Hall) – 1136 8th Street SE, Calgary
  • When: Saturday, 27 April 2013 at 7:00 PM – midnight (MDT)
  • Entertainment Guest: Calgary’s own Vanessa Cardui.

This shindig owes it’s existence to the sponsorship, planning & organizational skills of Calgary’s Cool-Toys.ca.  If you’re attending Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo please drop by the Cool-Toys.ca booth (#1105) and say hello.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an official Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo event. Rather, it’s an after party taking place on the same weekend as CCEE.

NOTE THE SECOND: Due to circumstances beyond our control, the venue has changed for this event. It will now be held at Ramsay Community Hall (1136 – 8th Street SE, Calgary).

Earth That Was: January Shindig [01/2013]

11 Browncoats braved the snowy weather last month to gather at the Old Spaghetti Factory. Conversation centered around future gatherings and fundraisers. Event ideas were thrown out, including Special Hell screening, potlucks and trips to special events such as Star Wars: Identities (February 23 at the Telus Science Centre).

Fundraising plans include the annual Can’t Stop the Serenity (CSTS), which features a charity auction, and participation in community based activities such as YESS’ Homeless for a Night team event at Telus Field.

A call for volunteers to help with the CSTS auction, as well as manning convention booths, was sounded. And of course, knitters are always needed. If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know by e-mailing info@albertabrowncoats.com.